How Do Stair Lifts Improve A Disabled Person's Quality of Life?
Change is an inevitable part of life. One change that no one wants to experience is the loss of personal independence. Physically disabling factors, whether they be the result of an accident or the natural aging process, can threaten a person's independence. In circumstances where a physical disability has been a part of one's life since birth, finding ways to acquire and maintain an independent lifestyle is a key factor is their happiness.
Senior citizens are one group of people that can benefit from the assistance of a stair lift. Many times, older individuals or couples do not want to leave a home that holds many memories for them. However, a house that was once easy to move around in might pose some problems for them now that they have reached their senior years. The addition of a stair lift will enable them to safely maintain access to the upper level of their home or to a basement area. The stair lift will make it easier for them to carry items such as groceries in from a basement garage area or laundry from one level of the house to another. The stair lift will give them the opportunity to remain in their home longer and in a safer manner.
When seniors or someone who is disabled searches for a home, they often feel limited to one level options. A stair lift gives them the same variety of choices that everyone has. Many town homes and condominiums are designed as multi-level houses. The simple addition of a stair lift makes these options equally available to anyone who is unable to navigate stairs.
From an economical point of view, a stair lift is a very justifiable expense. Using a stair lift may eliminate the need to hire someone to clean the upper level of one's home. It also reduces the risk of falls and injuries that could result in high medical expenses as well as painful rehabilitation. When it is possible to get around independently in your own home, you do not have the expense of hiring someone to assist you.
Stair lifts can provide peace of mind for family members who might be concerned about their loved one trying to negotiate stairs. They can also give the homeowner an added sense of safety. Each step toward maintaining an independent lifestyle is a boost to a person's moral. Depression is less likely to become an issue when people feel independently capable of caring for themselves and their home. A stair lift can play a large role in helping a disabled person or senior citizen live safely, independently, and in a positive frame of mind.
Speak with one of our stair lift experts and see how much a stair lift can improve you or your loved one's quality of life.